-lenters the free glycine pool in irradiated and rormal rats; (2) blood flow in

irradiatcd tissucs (3) tissue breakdewm in adrenalectomizud and non-adrenal rats
exposedto totul and purtial body irradiation with X-rays; and (4) inhibition
of mitotic activity anda cnromosome fragmentation produced by irradiaticn of mice.
Tt was stated that due to Dr.
Hempclmann'ts former connections with the Atomic knergy Commission programs, the

University of Rochester had waived the overhead charge on tis projcets; however,
the University of tochester statud that this was not to be considcred us a
In reference to the Slocn-Kettcring

Institute contract, Dr. Dunham reported that Dr. C. Pe Rhowds has complicd with
the request of the Division by supplying all the additional information required
rugarding his current buaget.

Tn connection with tne over-all
discussion of the projects, Or. Gregg sointca out that when a staff member of
the Division visits a project it is imoortant that the project be brought to the
attention of an appropriute representative of the University's administration.
it was nis view that if this orocudure is followed there will not be any

possibility for the investigator to fvcl that he has no responsibility to the
University nor thy to him with respect to the project.

The Committee reitcrated their
previous vicw that the Commission should be advised from time to time that the

reseurch activities of the Division of Biology and hedicine are now widely


Select target paragraph3