
consiucred as rather flexible and not be held rigidly to a firm rule of one person
per year ver major unit .nd that the individual selected should be regarded as

representing tue Atomic Lnergy Commission whether or not all of his cxpctnses are
to ove paid by funds fron the sutomic wnergy Commission.

With the above correction made, the
minutes were approved unanimously upon a motion by Dr. Warren and seconded by
Dr. Doisy.
Rescarch Projects
projects was opened by Dr.

The discussion on the research
jugher, Dr. Dunham, Dr. Pearson,

and Dr. Claus.

The Committce vas particularly

intcrcestcd in the work now being carri-d on at the University of Rochester unacr

the supervision of Dr. Levis Hempelmann.

The report was sumnarized by hr.

Haggerty and covered the following subjects, namely:

(1) water tolcrance of

irradistcd rats; (2) the effeet of liver injury on the mortality of irradiated
rats; (3) the urinary cxerution of desoxyribonuclease in irradiated rats; (h)
the olasma and urinary anino acids in irradiated dogs; and (5) blood changes in
Clinical expcriments are in progress


(1) urinary corticords in radiction therapy patients; (2) eosinophil counts

in radiation therapy patients; (3) physiological changes in irradiated skin or
lung of therapy vaticnts; and (4) late follow-u» of children whose thymses were
irradiated in infancy.
Animal cxperiments in progress


(1) a study of the free glycine pool and the rate at which glycine


Select target paragraph3