& motion was made by Dr. Failla,
seconded by Dr. Stern, and adoroved unanimously that the varagrapn on "Foreign

Travel" (page 5) shoulu be corrected to read as follows:
"Dr. Bughcr requested the views o1 tne Committee on the amount

of suosort that should be afforded memoers of the staff of
the various laboratories by the Division of sSiclogy and
medicine for forcign travel."
in this connection, Dr. Stern

brought out trat in tac travel of indivicuals to foréign countrivs a distinction
should ce made betwen ar

individual desiring to visit laboratorius and an

individual desiring to attend a congress, especially where the individual is to
present a oaper.


ircgg commented that if the individucl is froin; to present

a paper at a congress, ail of his expenses would be .1ct, in most instances, and
that if there had to bu a choice between two individuals, ne woula favor the
selection of the youner man.

Dr. Failla stressed the desirability
of foreign travel.

de sug,estea that when individuals had something to

contribute that would cnhance the standing of the Division of siolory and
hcdicine of the Atomic Energy Commission, that p.crson should be given preference.

Dr. Failia further stated that he thinks it would be preferable not to pay all
the expenses of

such u trip but to expect the individual

to make some

contribution of his own.
Therefore, after a full discussion

it was the sense of the Committec that arrangements for foreign travel should be


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