
Wahluke Slope arco et Hanford.

He stated further tint this information will be civen to

public by 2 press relcase from the utomic energy Comission,


87,000 acres.

The arc2 to be cpend consists of anoroxinatcly

iv will state

very frenkly the hazards wiich exist in the sanford arca if rarn familics de
settle on the newly relessed ionds.
Blolopical Station at

Tne desirability of vstablishing 2
smali biological station at Knivctok

for continuing and oxteneing the biological vor!s in tne test ares was discussed

by the Committee.
Dr. Wilour led the discussion,

and he

stated that since 1?u7 the Division of dology and iicdicine has sponsored a
program of study of tne radioactive contumin.tion oi: Slants, fish, end other
marine animals ov the bikini and Eniweutok urcas.

This has becn curricd out by

biologists from tue Imivirsity ot Washington who have nadu several expeditions to
these areas for tne coll.ction of material for Later analysis at Seattle.


continuing the biolo jesl studics in the test orca, it would seem desirable to
utilize cxisting fecilitics at Eniwetok as a permanent biological station.


would surmit a closer study of contaainetion of water and land ercécas from test
activitics ana waste disposal

ana would make possible for the first tinc

fundsmental biological studics reletca to the ceology and food resources of that
area of the Pacific.
it was pointed out that an existing
building on Perry Island would be uscd to orovice working space for a few

biologists from ..tomic Energy Conmission laboratorics and universitics who might


Select target paragraph3