Marshall Islands Bibliography


Heitz, P.; Moser, H.; and Staub, J. J. "Thyroid Cancer: A Study of 573 Thyroid Tumors and

161 Autopsy Cases Observed Overa Thirty-Year Period.” Cancer 37 (1976): 2329-


Hempelmann, LH. "Risk of Thyroid Neoplasms After Irradiation in Childhood." Science
160 (1968): 159-63.

Hines, Neal O. "Bikini Report.” The Scientific Monthly, February 1951.
Hodges, R. E., et al. "The Accumulation of Radioactive lodine by Human Fetal Thyroids.”
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology 15 (1965): 661-67.

Holm, L E.; Lundell, G.; and Walinder, G. "Incidence of Malignant Thyroid Tumors in

HumansAfter Exposure to Diagnostic Doses of lodine-131. |. Retrospective Cohort
Study." fournal_of the National Cancer Institute (INCI) 64 (1980): 1055-59.

Howell, Bea. "Bikini Atoll: Radioactivity and the Marine Environment.” Sea Frontiers 27
(May-June 1981): 174-78.

Hutchinson, G. B. "Leukemia in Patients with Cancer of the Cervix Uteri Treated with
Radiation." INCI 40 (1968): 951-82.

Ishimaru, M, and Ishimaru, T. "Multiple Myeloma Among Atomic Bomb Survivors and

Controls, Abst. P. 109." Paper presented at the 4th Meeting, Asian Pacific Division,
International Society of Hematology, Seoul, Korea, June 1979.

Jablon, S., and Kato, H. "Childhood Cancer in Relation to Prenatal Exposure to Atomic

Bomb Radiation.” Lancet 14 (1970): 1000-03.

Klinck, G. H., and Winship, T. "Occult Sclerosing Carcinoma of the Thyroid." Cancer 8
(1955): 701.

Lessard, E. T., et al. "Protracted Exposure to Fallout: the Rongelap and Utirik Experience.”
Health Physics (Mar 1984): 511-27.
Lessard, E. T.; Greenhouse, N. A.; and Miltenburger, R. P. "Dietary Radioactivity Intake

from Bioassay Data: A Model Applies to Cs” Intake by Bikini Island Residents."
Health Physics 39 (1980): 177-83.

Leysne, Humphrey W. "Food for Kili." Micronesian Monthly. U.S. Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands, 1952.
Krotoski, W. A., et al. "Efficacy of Mebendazole Against the Helminth Parasites of a Pacific
Island Population." Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Tucson, AZ, Nov. 1979.

Krotoski, W. A., et al. "Comparison Between Mebendazole and Pyrantel Pamoate Against
the Helminth Parasites of Two Pacific Island Populations." Paper presented at the
15th Annual Meeting, United States Public Health Service Professional Association,
Houston, TX, May 1980.


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