Marshall Islands Bibliography


Lindsay, S., and Chaikoff, |. L. "The Effects of Irradiation on the Thyroid Gland with

Particular Reference to the Induction of Thyroid Neoplasms: A Review.” Cancer
Research 24 (1964): 1099-107.

Lisco, H., and Conard, R. A. “Chromosome Studies on Marshall Islanders Exposed to
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Lundsgaarde, Henry P., and Silverman, Martin G. "Category and Group in Gilbertese

Kinship: An Updating of Goodenough’s Analysis." Ethnology 11 (1972): 2.

Mason, Leonard. "Kili Community in Transition.” South Pacific Commission Quarterly
Bulletin 18 (April 1958): 32-35.

Maxon, H. R,, et al. "Clinically Important Radiation-Associated Thyroid Disease: A
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Maxon, H. R, et al. "lonizing trradiation and the Induction of Clinically Significant Disease
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McDougal, |. R. "Thyroid Cancer After lodine-131 Therapy." JAMA 227 (1974): 438.
Miltenburger, R. P.; Greenhouse, N. A.; and Lessard, E. T. "Whole-Body Counting Results
from 1974 to 1979 for Bikini Island Residents." Health Physics 39 (1980): 395407.

Modan, B., et al. "Radiation-Induced Head and Neck Tumors." Lancet 1 (1974): 277.

Moloney, W. C. "Leukemia and Survivors of Atomic Bombing." N. Eng. |. Med. 253 (1955):

Murray, R.; Heckel, P.; and Hempelmann, L H. "Leukemia in Children Exposed to lonizing
Radiation. N. Eng. |. Med. 261 (1959): 585-89.
Neel, J. V.; Ferrell, R. E.; and Conard, R. A. "The Frequency of ‘Rare’ Protein Variants in

Marshall Islanders and Other Micronesians." American Journal of Human Genetics
28 (1976): 262-69.

"The Nuclear Charge: Forty Years.” Review 5 (Summer-Fall 1985): 1-131.
Oliner, L; Kohlenbrener, M. S.; Fields, T.; and Kumstadter, R. "Thyroid Function Studies in

Children: Normal Values for Thyroidal I'* Uptake and PBI'*" Levels up to the Age

of 18. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology 17 (1957): 61-75.

Parker, L, et al. "Thyroid Carcinoma After Exposure to Atomic Radiation." Annals of
internal Medicine 80 (1974): 600-04.
"Peace not PACE in Eniwetok." Pacific Islands Monthly 44, no. 7 July 1973).
Pifer, J. W., et al. "Neoplasms in Children Treated with X-Rays for Thymic Enlargement.
1. Neoplasms and Mortality." INCI 31 (1963): 1333-56.


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