Marshall Islands Bibliography


Fisher, W. D.; Voorhess, M. L.; and Gardner, L. |. "Congenital Hypothyroidism in infant

Following Maternal !'*' therapy, with a Review of Hazards of Environmental
Radioisotope Contamination.” Journal of Pediatrics 62 (1963): 132-46.

Fosberg, R. F. "Long-Term Effects of Radioactive Fallout on Plants." Atoll Research Bulletin
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Foster, R S., Jr. "Thyroid Irradiation and Carcinogenesis: Review With Assessment of
Clinical implications." American Journal of Surgery 130 (1975): 608-11.
Fukunaga, F. H. and Yatani, R. "Geographic Pathology of Occult Thyroid Carcinomas."
Cancer 36 (1975): 1095-99.

Garnick, M. B., and Larsen, P. R. "Acute Deficiency of Thyroxine-Binding Globulin During
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Geertz, Clifford. "Ritual and Social Change: A Javanese Example." American Anthropologist
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Giff, Johnson. “Micronesia: America’s ‘Strategic’ Trust.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist 35

(February 1979): 10-15.

Glennon, J. A.; Gordon, E. S.; and Sawin, C. T. "Hypothyroidism After Low Dose |'*"

Treatment of Hyperthyroidism.” Annals_of Internal Medicine 76 (1972): 721-23.

Goldman, M., and Carver, R. K. "An Intestinal Parasite Survey on Rongelap Atoll in the
Marshall Islands." American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 8 (1954):

Goodenough, Ward H. "A Problem in Malayo-Polynesian Social Organization." American
Anthropologist 57 (1955): 1.
Goolden, A. W. G. "Carcinoma of the Thyroid Following Irradiation." BM] 2 (1958): 95455.

‘Greenhouse, N. A.; Miltenburger, R. P.; and Lessard, E. T. "Dosimetric Results for the
Bikini Population." Health Physics 38 (1980): 846-51.

Greenspan, F. S. "Radiation Exposure and Thyroid Cancer.” JAMA 237 (1977): 2089-91.

Hainan, K. E. "Influence of Age and Sex on Incidence and Prognosis of Thyroid Cancer:
344 Cases Followed for Ten Years." Cancer 19 (1966): 1534-36.

Hamill, G. C.; Jarman, J. A; and Wynne, M. D. "Fetal Effects of Radioactive lodine

Therapy in a Pregnant Woman with Thyroid Cancer." American Journal _of
Obstetrics and Gynecology 81 (1961): 1018-23.

Hanford, J. M.; Quimby, E. H.; and Frantz, V. K. "Cancer Arising Many Years After

Irradiation of Benign Lesions in the Neck.” JAMA 181 (1962): 404-10.

Hanson, W.C. "Radioactivity in the Individual: Contamination of Soft Tissues of Infants
and Children with Radioactive Fallout." Pediatrics 41 (1968): 240-56.

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