b. Issue-AornonCrypt Cuidance: There is not enough radiological
data available at this time on which to formulate a definitive stand;
however, the group indicated that the 40-80-160 pci/gm guidance
was not intended to be applied to special
situations such as this
crypt. What they would like is further information reference the
radioisotopes, materials and levels of activity present. The group
was fully aware of the necessity of positive guidance being issued
as quickly as possible.
Issue-Soil Clean-up Criteria: The group indicated there
was no doubt that the 43-80-160 pci/gm for residential, agricultural
and picnic islands was precise, i.e., that every effort has to be
expended to reach thsse leIJe?s. Only if it is clearly shown that
these ?QVe?5 can’t 52 r~a~fi~dshould a reconsideration be made.

~-~~+saness of 40-80-160


covered under &

Iss.u+Fm-=h Cr~&~
...rion Category if can’t meet 150: see
9“ 15S’J2-53T;3C2h>t s~ots and minimum ar~a levels: The preIiminary ‘Ji?wwas that the minimum area which should be considered
fcr sur:ace clem-up
cf a hot-spot was that area covered by one
9!3% Gf
a 25 meter
square. This was based upon treatlh\PViW,
ment of data and analysis by the lXIEcontractor (Desert Research
Institute) and was believed that it would result in the necessity
for removal of less s~il and would be more beneficial than averaging
over the fractional hectare area as presently done.

h: Issue-Subsurface cont~ination:
Subsurface Contamination
by the IMP system,
., below about 2 cm. The group was not ready to offer guidance
of the importance of this issue and the absence of several
members. However, they recognize the need for early guidance and
discussed several possible approaches. The general concept was
to determine some procedure that would take into account the intended use for the island (residential, agricultural, picnic), the
depth at which the hot spot was located, and the concentration
(pci/gm), i.e., have an averaging factor as a weighting factor.
The preliminary view was that when a subsurface hot spot was found
than 160 pci/gm) several core samples should be taken in
a circle around it to the depth of highest activity in the profile
sample and the average concentration determined in the core samples.


Select target paragraph3