Each of the above points, plus others,
were later discussed
by the group in executive session, which I attended, and the general
observations or tenative conclusions of the group are covered later.
3. 23 August 1978: This day was occupied by a thorough tour of
the atoll (encl 1). Initial stop was at Runit island where the
encrypment operation was vie~ed including the quarry, hot line
soil stockpiling, soil screening, slurry mixing and
tremie operation. The Wnon Causeway crypt and Lojwa were next;
here, a first hand view of two test excavation attempts Wsre observed and the oroblems inherent at Aomon were realized. On Lojwa,
the IivIP
facilities were visited and a briefing given on their operation.
The innovation of ~s~ng the IMP crystal for rapid screen of soil
samples was explained. Enjebi was next at which a briefing was
given on the soil and ~ebri~ operation, t~~ various bunkers were
viewed as well as the sx~srimental plowing area and the Lawrence
Livermore experim~n~~’!$arn area and the soil bulk hauling stockpile
and loading exercise. ;+ iW was operating near the plowed plots
and ths group obssrvz< th~s proceaure. The last stop was at BOKEN
(I think) x!nersthe t5~us.andsof nssting birds currently causing
activities on this island to be stopped wwe observed along with
a number c: 5unk57s.

5. a~ Issue-Bunker Guidance: The committee felt that the present.
course was adequate and did not disagree with the action planned.
My understanding of this is that several bunkers that were contaminated have been decontaminated as much as possible and will be
left intact. Some hot spots remain on some. However, the data
available indicated to the group that strenuous efforts had been
expended to clean the bunkers, that remaining levels were low enough
or in areas where access by people was difficult enough to preclude
any significant exposure levels, and that the bunkers would be
valuable to the returning people for storm shelters or other uses,
and that following the ANSI standard for surface contamination for
shipping of material was rather conservative in this particular
instance. Thus, there appears, in their mind, no problems with
leaving them as planned. This is,in reference to the Aomon and
Enjebi crypts. It was also voiced that the Aomon deadmen should
be left to provide a valuable future precise marker or reference
point in the event there is reason to return to the atoll for further
surveys, rework, etc.

Select target paragraph3