If this exceeded the surface value for the intendend use of the
island, then the area would be excised. This might (will) require
the taking of additional core samples to define the specific area
for removal.
i. Issue-Soil profiling-15 cm vs. 20 cm: The group did not
see this as a significant issue in that they are somewhat skeptical
of the preciseness, despite the engineers claims, that an actual
6 inch layer is being removed. Thus, 20 cm is close enough to the
6-8 inches of soil being removed or disturbed to not justify going
up to a 15 cm sample level,

-.”-vs. Fiaxlmum valUe: This issue apparentj~
[ ~,l!j
A>>wzk. 7--.,t..+-H2~ecpn~
paper by FC-DNA on dose assessment
ly relatss
.- .1!:









prepz~=d tz ZZ5?2S; tk? FC-D?IApzpzr zt this time as Liverrnore
, They did note that the fission
is maktnc =r!;;:~.~~&=“:“
been of concern for years, that the
and -“’:s tia’:e
farm at Enj%i was set-up to specifically obtain a better understanding C7 food chain importance and that resettlement of the
northern islands of ths ztoll may have to be deferred for a number
of years. 41though not addressed as a specific topic by the group,
it was mentlcned on se-~eraloccasions as a whole and in individual
conversations that.less than optimal or desirable advantage is being
taken to obtain fission product measurements. At the least, the
spectr~ being obtained should be analyzed.

Issue-Clarification of 40-80-160 pci/gm guidlines: Covered
under c above. The view is that these guidelines are clear.

6. Mr. McCraw of l13Ealso brought forth several issues; however,
these essentially paralleled those addressed above and are not
separately listed here.
7. 25 August 1978: The Commander, JTG morning briefing was attended by the group; subsequently, the Chairman met with CJTG. At
approximately noon, the group departed via Kwajalein.

Select target paragraph3