0.15, depending on the main deck thickness. A time-averaged shielding factor is computed as
0.4 + 0.6 x ship-shielding factor, where the 0.4 and 0.6 represent the fraction of the day spent
topside and below, respectively. The time-averaged shielding factors vary from approximately
0.44 to 0.49. An average value of 0.46 (corresponding to a ship-shielding factor of 0.1) is used in
this analysis.
The integrated intensities topside due to "shine" from contaminated water and/or ships
(including LCUs and barges) is apportioned to account for time spent topside. No contribution to
dose from shine is assumed forthe time that the crew wasbelow, as the radiation transport of the
shine field to below is less effective than that of fallout on deck. Thus, the typical crew received
40 percent of the integrated intensity from shine.
In addition to being exposedto a fraction of the topside (fallout) radiation environment,
crew members below were exposed to radiation from the ship's hull and saltwater systems that
became contaminated while in the radioactive waters of Bikini Lagoon.

Because the crew was

below for an estimated 14 1/2 hours per day, they received 60 percent of the integrated intensity
below due to ship contamination. No contribution to dose from ship contamination is assumed for
the periods that crew were topside.
The appropriately adjusted contributions to exposure (R) from each "source," 1.e.,
fallout, shine, and ship contamination, are summed and converted to an equivalent film badge dose
(rem). The conversion factor has been determined to be 0.7 rem/R (Reference 5).

It is emphasized that the calculated dose is only applicable to a “typical” crewmember
aboard each ship. Only those contributions to dose that impact the entire crew are used in the dose
equation. Forinstance, increased topside exposure due to being moored alongside contaminated
LCUsand barges affects the entire crew; hence, contributions from this source are considered.
Individual exposures accrued while performing decontamination work onboard these craft are not
considered, as they do not impact the dose for the entire crew. It is assumed that personnel who
had a potential for exposure while performing "non-typical" crew duties were badged, and that
dose is in addition to the calculated doses presented herein. The following sub-sections describe
the dose calculations for shipboard personnel.

Select target paragraph3