1006 hours, the skeleton crew of YAG-39 transferred to TAWAKONI from MOLALA. The two
ships remained in an area generally to the south of Bikini steaming on an east-west racetrack untl

approximately 1800 hours, when they tured to the northwest to intercept the YAGs. From the
ship's log, it appears that TAWAKONI intercepted YAG-39 at approximately 2200 hours, 27

March,andit is likely that the skeleton crew was transferred to YAG-39at this time. Apparently it
was decided that, if YAG-39 was notsignificantly contaminated, the skeleton crew would board
the ship and YAG-39 would steam back to Enewetak under its own power, as opposed to being
towed by TAWAKONI.

A brief entry in TAWAKONT's log at 0756 hours, 28 March, implies the ship was
preparing to enter Bikini Atoll; however, for unknown reasons, TAWAKONT returned to sea to
stand by YAG-39. This ship had gone dead in the water 4 1/2 hours after Shot ROMEO, andit is

possible that the skeleton crew had encountered difficulties in reactivating the ship's propulsion or
in controlling the ship from their remote position. At approximately 1500 hours, 28 March,
TAWAKONI, in company with YAG-39, proceeded on a westerly course toward Enewetak,
arriving there at approximately 0900 hours, 29 March.
TAWAKONIremained at Enewetak until 1841 hours on 30 March when it got
underway for Bikini. It is assumed this ship received the second wave of ROMEOfallout that
descended on Enewetak between the afternoon of 29 March and noon, 30 March. The topside
intensity on TAWAKONIT resulting from this fallout, as corrected in the Appendix forthe ship, is
depicted in figure 3.12.
TAWAKONIarrived at Enewetak at approximately 1500 hours on 31 March and
anchored in the Tare anchorage. The ship remained in the southern anchorages until 3 April, when
it departed for Enewetak Atoll. TAWAKONI remained at Enewetak until approximately 0630
hours on 6 April when it got underway for its assigned operating area for Shot KOON,
approximately 30 nmi southeast of surface zero on EnemanIsland, Bikini Atoll (figure 1.2).
After Shot KOON on 7 April, TAWAKONI returned to the lagoon that evening and
anchored in the Nan anchorage off Eneu Island. With the exception of several short sorties to the
northern anchorage areas on 10, 12, and 13 April, where it provided some support for Project 1.4,
TAWAKONI remained in the southern anchorage off Eneu Island until the afternoon of 15 April,
when it got underwayfor its assigned operating area for Shot UNION. Due to unfavorable
weather, Shot UNION was postponed and TAWAKONIreturned to the lagoon during the late
afternoon of 16 April; the ship anchored in Area Dogat 1940 hours.


Select target paragraph3