(approximately 0.5 Ci/m3), it is assumed that both ships received similar fallout. The estimated
topside radiation environment on TAWAKONT is, therefore, the same as that depicted for
MOLALAin figure 3.9 (refer to discussion in section 3.6).

At approximately 1300 hours, 2 March, as TAWAKONIwasapproaching Enewetak
Atoll, the ship launched a motor whale boat for a crew to board YAG-39. The boarding party was
likely the YAG-39 skeleton crew (eight personnel); however, individuals from TAWAKONI may
have accompanied them. At 1900 hours, TAWAKONI was mooredin the anchorage off Parry
Island (figure 1.3); with the assistance of two M-boats and a tug, TAWAKONI completed
mooring YAG-39 at 2205 hours, 2 March. Having completed its Project 6.4 support for Shot
BRAVO, TAWAKONI got underway for Bikini Atoll at 2225 hours.
TAWAKONI arrived at Bikini at approximately 1400 hours on 3 March. On 4 and 5
March, the ship remained in the southern anchorage areas (Nan and Tare) performing duties in
support of Project 1.4. Between 6 and 9 March, while COCOPA sortied to Enewetak Atoll,
TAWAKONI spent most of each day in Area Charlie laying buoys and instrument cansin support
of Project 1.4 for Shot ROMEO, scheduled for 13 March. On 12 March, TAWAKONI towed a
Project 1.4 barge (YCV-9) from Area Charlie to the Nan anchorage and, at 1635 hours, the ship
departed Bikini enroute to its assigned operating area for Shot ROMEO with the barge in tow.
After departing the Jagoon TAWAKONTI transferred tow of the barge to COCOPA (see section
3.4). Shot ROMEO was postponed due to unfavorable weather and TAWAKONI returned to
Bikini and anchored in the Nan anchorage at 0821 hours, 13 March. Continued unfavorable
weather delayed Shot ROMEO until 27 March. In the interim, TAWAKONI remainedin the
Jagoon performing various duties as directed, primarily in support of Project 1.4 in Area Charlie.
One exception to this routine occurred on 16 March when the ship was involved with activities
associated with Project 6.4. At 0851 hours, TAWAKONI moored alongside YAG-40 and took on

At 1110 hours, the ship proceeded to YAG-39 (also anchored at Nan), and moored

alongside YAG-39 from 1133-1325 hours and again from 1510 to 1532 hours, whenit returnedto
pick up a working party. On 16 March, topside intensities on the YAGs wereless than 1 mR/hr;
hence, any exposure associated with work performed topside on YAG-39 is insignificant
(Reference 13).

At 1820 hours, 26 March, TAWAKONIdeparted Bikini in company with COCOPA
enroute to their assigned operating areas for Shot ROMEO. When Shot ROMEO wasdetonated
the next morning, TAWAKONI was approximately 30 nmi southeast of the ROMEOsurfacezero.
After the shot, TAWAKONI rendezvoused with MOLALAat approximately 0900 hoursand, at

Select target paragraph3