YAG-39. When Shot UNION was detonated at 0605 hours on 26 Apnl, MOLALA was
approximately 35 nmi southeast of the UNIONsurface zero. MOLALAremained southeast of the
atoll unnl approximately 1400 hours when it steamed on a north-northeasterly course to intercept
YAG-39 and YAG-40. At 1725 hours, MOLALAapproached YAG-39 in an area approximately
40 nmi northeast of Bikini to transfer personnel to that ship; the transfer was completed at 1812
hours. Topside intensities on YAG-39 were approximately 160 mR/hratthis time, but the ship
was equipped with a shielded control room whereall personnel remained while the ship returned to
Enewetak Atoll under its own power.
At 1911 hours, MOLALA began approaching YAG-40 to ascertain radiological
conditions on that ship prior to hooking up the main tow wire. Topside intensities on YAG-40
were approximately 1 R/hr and no one boarded (Reference 13). At 2015 hours, MOLALA was
enroute to Enewetak with YAG-40 in tow with 1,500 feet of main towline.
While recovering the YAGs between 1700 and 2200 hours, MOLALAwassteaming in
water recently contaminated by Shot UNIONfallout. Background levels onboard MOLALA due
to shine from the water were 30 mR/hr when measured by Project 6.4 personnel (Reference 13).
Crewmen remaining topside on MOLALAduring recovery operations on 26 April received an
integrated exposure of approximately 150 mR dueto shine from the contaminated water.
MOLALAarrived back at Enewetak at approximately noon on 28 April. For reasons not
indicated in the ship's log, it was in the process of entering the lagoon whenit returnedto sea with
YAG-40 still in tow. The ship steamed in open waterin the vicinity of Enewetak Atoll and did not
reenter the lagoon until approximately 1000 hours, 29 April. After disconnecting the tow at 1130
hours, MOLALAproceeded to berth B-1 where it anchored at noon.
On 1 May, MOLALA moored alongside YAG-40 from 0947 to 1203 hours; topside
intensities on the YAG were 138 mR/nhr atthis time. Reference 13 indicates that significantefforts
to decontaminate YAG-40 were not undertaken following the UNIONtest.
During the afternoon of 3 May, MOLALAgot underway for Bikini Atoll. Apparently,
YAG-39 and YAG-40 had departed earlier in the day and MOLALAdid not overtake them until
approximately 2000 hours, 3 May (Reference 3). At 1045 hours on 4 May, the three ships entered
Bikini Lagoon and anchored in the Nan anchorage area. At approximately 1400 hours, all three
ships got underway for their assigned operating area for Shot YANKEE, scheduled for the
following day.

Select target paragraph3