1,000 yards from YAG-40. During the afternoon of 29 March and continuing until approximately

noon on 30 March, Parry Island received relatively light fallout from the Shot ROMEO cloud.
Topside intensities on MOLALA were measured only one time throughoutthis period (H+58 to
H+78) and no decrease (or increase) in intensity was noted (see figure 3.10); it is possible that the

light fallout was not detected on MOLALAand radioactive decay was being offset by the
occurrence of this secondary fallout.
MOLALAremained at anchorin berth C-1 on 30 March but, on 31 March, it moored
alongside YAG-40 from 0838 to 1502 hours in berth B-3, returning to berth C-1 at 1508 hours.
The purpose of this "visit" is not specified in the ship's log, but it is likely that efforts to
decontaminate YAG-40 were undertaken at this time; topside intensities on YAG-40 were
1560 mR/hr on 31 March (Reference 13). On 1 April, MOLALA towed YAG-40 to a new
mooring in berth D-1 between 0958 and 1055 hours.
MOLALAremained anchored at Enewetak for Shot KOON on 7 April and, on 9 April, it
moored alongside YAG-40 between 0850 and 1102 hours, and again from 1115 to 1530 hours,
returning to berth C-1 at 1539 hours. By this time, topside intensities on YAG-40 had been
reduced to 106 mR/hr through decontamination. According to Reference 13, 9 April wasthe last
day before Shot UNIONthat decontamination was carried out on YAG-40.
On 14 April, after embarking Project 6.4 personnel at 0945 hours, MOLALA got
underway for Bikini in company with YAG-39 and YAG-40. The three ships arrived at Bikini at
approximately 0800 hours on 15 March,and, at 1230 hours, MOLALA got underwayforits
assigned operating area for Shot UNION,scheduled for the following day. Shot UNION was
postponed due to unfavorable weather and MOLALA,along with YAG-39 and YAG-40, returned
to Bikini at approximately 2130 hours on 16 April, anchoring in the Nan anchoragearea.
Shot UNION was ultimately rescheduled for 26 April. During the period 17 to 24
April, MOLALAremainedat anchor in the Nan anchorage. On 25 April, after a brief sortie to Area ~
Dog(see figure 2.1) to tow a Project 1.4 barge back to the Nan anchorage, MOLALA, in company
with YAG-39 and YAG-40, got underwayfortheir assigned operating areas for Shot UNION.
Between 0300 and 0347 hours, MOLALA embarked personnel from YAG-39 and

YAG-40 while in an area approximately 25 nmi east of Bikini. A skeleton crew remained onboard
YAG-39 for Shots UNION and YANKEEin order to provide moredirect control of the course of
this ship and that of YAG-40, which wasstill unmanned and maneuvered by remote control from


Select target paragraph3