UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 19. : ABSTRACT (continued). the total exposure on most ships; additional sources of exposure, such as from proximity to fallout-contaminated vessels, were significant contributors to dose. Additionally, the analysis of available dosimetry, which is considered necessary for establishing confidence in the dose ca)culations, is much more comprehensive due to the use of extensive microfilm records, not available in the previous analysis. Utilizing the reconstructed radiation environments from deck contamination, water shine, proximate ship shine, and contaminated hulls and piping, an equivalent film badge dose is calculated and compared with the analyzed dosimetry. Comparisons are made less significant by a shortage of badge readings, and by cohort badging that may have resulted in non-representative doses being assigned to unbadged personnel. Considering this, agreement is good (within a few hundred millirem) when doses were high but less when doses were low. In all cases, overall totals appear to be in excellent agreement. Calculated mean doses range from a low of 0.30 rem for the crew of USS RECLAIMER to a high of 2.2 rem for the crew of USS COCOPA. The calculated doses should be used when badged members of cohorts, due to duties, ratings, and locations, do not appear to be representative of the cohort as a whole. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAC