UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICA TION OF “4S PaGe REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1p. RESTRICTIVE WARKINGS ta. REPORT Bae CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED Za. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY N/A since UNCLASSIFIE 2b. DECLASSIFICATION / DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE N/A since UNCLASSIFIED é. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 3 DISTRIBUTION/ AVAILABILITY OF REPORT ; 1 . A release; pproved for is unlimited. on public deetributi 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) SAIC~89/1725 Ga. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Science Applications 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL (if applicable) International Corporation 6c. ADORESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) P.Q. Box 1303 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION Director Defense Nuclear Agency 7. AOORESS(City, State, end ZIP Code) Washington, gton, D.C. 20305-1000 , McLean, VA 22102-1303 8a. NAME OF FUNDING / SPONSORING Sb. OFFICE SYMBOL ORGANIZATION (If applicable) Bc. ADDRESS(City, State, and ZIP Code) 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DNA 001-89-C-0096 10 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM PROJECT TASK ELEMENT NO. INO. NO. -OT 00 WORK UNIT ACCESSION NO. 90019 WW, TITLE (include Security Classification) ANALYSIS OF RADIATION EXPOSURE FOR ADDITIONAL NAVAL PERSONNEL AT OPERATION CASTLE-SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) Thomas, C., Goetz, J., Klemm, J., Ortlieb, E. 13a. TYPE OF REPORT 16. 17 136. TIME COVERED 14 OATE OF REPORT oO" Month, Day) [15. PAGE COUNT DRAFT Technical FROM TO 1 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION This work was sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency under RDT&E RMSS Code 0&M/PDA RMC_CODE 1310 D OT 00 90019 RARP 3500 A FIELD COSAT! CODES GROUP SUB-GROUP 18 SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number} Operation CASTLE Radiation Exposure Assessment Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identfy by biock number) This report supplements DNA-TR-84-6, which analyzed the radiation exposure for sixteen ships and the residence islands of Enewetak and Kwajalein Atolls at Operation CASTLE in 1954. Film badge doses are reconstructed for eight additional ships (RECLAIMER, SHEA, COCOPA, MENDER, MOLALA, TAWAKONI, PC-1546, and LST-1146) that participated in the operation. Although the radiation environments were basically the same as used in the first report, the characterization of such environments is considerably more complex, not only because additional data are available for use in defining the contamination of the ships and the lagoon, but also because several ships were engaged in activities that resulted in exposures not considered or required in the initial report. In contrast to the ships previously considered, fallout from Shot BRAVO was of lesser contribution to 20. OISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT COUNCLASSIFIEOMUNLIMITED =A) same 45 RPT. 22a. NAME OF 2i.PONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL Sandra E. Young DO FORM 1473, 84 MarR CJ oric users 21 ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED 22. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL DNA-CSTI (202) 325-7042 83 APR edition may ce used until exhausted. All other editions are onsolete. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE UNCLASSIFIED