operation. The time-dependent below-deck intensity is so obtained for each ship. Numerical
integration with a timestep of 0.01 day generates the personnel exposures. This time step offers a
precision compatible with that of the position-time data for the ships.
The Bikini Lagoon contamination after each shotis discussed below.
Although significantly contaminating the lagoon, BRAVO more immediately impacted
ships and islands through heavy fallout; hence, the reported rad-safe data emphasizethe latter. The
applicable land-based intensities (H+1) are 150 R/hr for the Nan anchorage, 50 R/hr for Tare, 500

R/hr for How, and 1,000 R/hr for each of the northern operating areas. Corresponding water
intensities (D+1) are 10.5, 3.5, 35 and 70 mR/nhr, respectively.
Lagoon contamination from ROMEOwassignificant only in the vicinity of surface zero.
This affected the Charlie area to roughly the level of 1,000 R/hr (H+1 land value). A D+1 water
intensity of 70 mR/hr is implied.
The Tare anchorage wasprincipally affected, yielding land values (EnemanIsland) of
500 R/hr at H+1; H+1 land values of 7, 50, 100, 120, and 25 R/hr pertain to the Charlie, Dog,

Fox, George and Howareas, respectively. Corresponding water intensities are 35, 0.5, 3.5, 7,
8.4 and 1.75 mR/hr (D+1). The Nan anchorage wasunaffected.
Because of low waterintensities (0.5 mR/hr, D+1, derived from 7 R/hr, H+1 on land),

ship contamination at the Nan anchorage was appreciable onlyafter five days post-shot (Reference
7). Project activities in the northern lagoon involved much greater intensities. In Areas Fox and
George, water intensities were at least 14 mR/hr on D+1 (200+ R/hr land intensity at H+1). In

Area How,a land intensity of 150 R/hr (H+1) corresponds to a water intensity of 10.5 mR/hr
(D+1). COCOPA, operating in the vicinity of the most intense surface zero contamination,
recorded a 500 mR/hr waterintensity on 27 April in Area Dog. South of Dog, ship operations
were conducted in waterintensities of about 7 mR/hr, D+1 (100 R/hrland value, H+1).


Select target paragraph3