subsequent decrease to 7 mR/hr at D+1. Similar results were obtained by Project 2.7 (Reference
9) in the open ocean. Rapid shot-day mixing progressed in two days downto the thermocline,
where the stable stratification minimized furthervertical diffusion during CASTLE.
In the lagoon, contamination at the surface was observedto drift slowly westward under
the action of the tradewinds. The radioactivity either adhered to the western reef, flowed overit
into the open ocean,or recirculated at depth in the lagoon. There is no clear indication that the
latter phenomenonled to a meaningful reappearance of contamination in the Nan area. After Shot
ROMEO, which among CASTLEshots was uniquely lacking in widespread fallout in Bikini
Lagoon, no reports of fresh contamination in the anchorages have been found in CASTLE
documents; after other shots, reported intensity buildups are explicable by local fallout in the water
that led to progressive ship contamination.
The one circumstance that could have replenished the westward-drifung surface
contamination was an influx from the ocean. The east-westradiation isopleths for Shots UNION
and YANKEE (Reference 2) suggest this possibility; however, it would have been most
pronounced for BRAVO, whereintensities increased eastward of Nan for some 100 miles. The

available lagoon data thatlikely reflect this process are the 0.1 to 0.3 mR/hr waterintensities that
were typically present at the Nan anchorage during CASTLE (Reference 8).


replenishment, lagoon drift would have led to lower levels within the eights weeks between Shots
BRAVOand UNION. In the mean,the reported levels are roughly consistent with decreased
intensity from decay alone.

The foregoing phenomenology and the paucity of radiological data suggest that the best

available model for time dependence of water intensities is to assume no net transport of
contaminants and to diminish the intensities by decay alone. This approach is most applicable for
the anchorage areas and after Shot BRAVO;it likely high-sides the intensities after other shots.

For the northern operating areas near surface zeros, where drift is of clearer significance in the
long term, most exposures were soon enough after the shotsso thatlittle drift had occurred.
Owing to the complexity of the model equations, the determination of radiation
intensities from ship contamination and watershine is accomplished by numerical techniques. All
logged ship movements and reported or derived water intensities are tracked throughout the


Select target paragraph3