


The technical and experimental work really fell into two categories.

AS General Hull has said, the purpose of these tests was not to find the

effects of atemic explosions on materiel and eouipment as atBikini.
Yet, since the detonations were to be made, several agencies of the Armed
Forces carried out tests of this kind. Many cf these tests were not very

extensive and, in general, they were designed to fill in gaps in the

Knowledge gained at Bikini.
Tiuese tests were successful in the sense that *the desired data were obtained.
Tae second category of tests and experiments was gest gn d to answer
questions arising in connection with the military apclicatio
encrey. The program for this work was laid out at the Los Alamos Scientific


It‘was quickly realized, however, that if all the technical


mersommel required were drawn from that Leboratory, other very, important
work would suffer seriously.
The problem was solved by forming a skeleton
organizetion at Les Alamos " consis ing of one expert in esch phase of the

technical work.

In some cases, wherd the work of the Loboratory would not

be too badly impeded, scientists and technicians were drawn from the Los
Alamos staff to carry out certain tecnnicel onerations uncer these experts
acting as secticn lenders, In other cases the University of California,

which operates the Los flemos Laberatory for the Commission, made contracts

with outside agencies,
liaison nositions.

In thete etses the Los Alamos experts filled

The technical wort, in which naturally I have the most interest,

has received the very best support from both the Atomic Energy Couis-

sion Headquarters in Washington and the Los Alamos Loboratory,

In fac

one of the Commissioners, Dr. Robert F, Bacher, spent about three WeeKS
with us Eniwetok, During this time he contributed very significantly to
the success of the cperstion ‘by ascisting with the interpretation of the



Dr. N. EB. FPradbury, Director of the Los Alamos Laboratory,

spent an even longer tine in the field with us doing similar work,

Dr, Alvin C. Graves as Deputy Scientific Director, and Mr. R, W.

Henderson and Dr, John C, Clark as Assistant Scientific Directors —

all from the Los élamos Laborstory ~ have forsed a highly qualified

committees making scientific end technicsl decisions on wh2t to do and how

to do it.
It nas been a srest personal satisfaction to me to ke so
closely associeted with these men and I have the highest regard for the
ability of each of ther, Dr. Graves and I have worked so closely for
several years we each have leerned how the other thinks,
It was easy to
learn since we think alike, and when Graves dces a job, I always feel
that it has been dene as I would have done it but just a little bit


You understand, of course, that I em strictly limited in whet I

can say about the details of the conduct of the tests and about the
scientific results, I am going to tell you as much as: possible now, then
when we have guestions we will limit ourselves to the non-scientific espects
of the operation,
If I sm to be quoted, I would anpreciate it if you would

quote directly from these notes.

There sre soms copies available for you.




Select target paragraph3