The ultimate purnose of the tests wes to insure efficient
utilization of the national resources recuired for the development and
‘application of atomic energy. Captain Fussell has suggested to you that
the Los Alanos Laboratory hed develoved nev weapon designs, It is obvious
that a research and develonment program of any nature cannot long be

fruitful if the product of the program never gets tested,

IRf the nation

elects to develop and manufacture atomic weapons, these weapons must be


Unlike other bombs, however, the cost in actual cash, man hours

and natural resources is cuite high for each weapon. Moreover, the physical
processes going on during the explosion of en atomic bomb are very complicated,
For these reasons, development and improvement of atomic weapons cannot be
cerriéd on by the common methods of making sm*il changes in current models

and sroof-testing after cach chanee,



sat deal of physical research and mathematical analysi
f an atomic weapon. therefore, tests of the ‘ind
have just connleted *are designed primarily to vrovide expertimntal
data necessary for a better understending of the process of nuclear
explosicn and nece“ssary to form a sound besis for improved design of
weapons, Certainly such tests do include proof-firing new models of
weapons, but the model types must be selected csrefully in order to



make informetion obtained from one test supplementary to thet obtsined
from another,

A well planned series of a
= tomic weepon tests can yield

much more information then an cQunal numoer of

unrslated single tests.

Proof-tests of new models often can bs carricd out uncer conditions
that make it vossibl: to attain secondary, but important objectives,

Without interference with the prime ry objective, mach informstion can be
gfincd which is useful in the pesesful srnnlicctions of atomic energy.

We have not hed t ‘me
of the experhsnba data ob

but 4 small portion
at we: have

« tests profitable.
Me are> very,‘pleased mith the results, Cur tests -were not successful
merely bectuse the weapons we used exploded with a icud bang. hes
were successful beesuse the weapons did explode end we obtained good
experimenteél data “phioh will guide us in ressrren and development in

future .

One of the most grat
2 results of the entire operation hes been
8. body of ideas, theories and methods which
the confirmation cf the large
t terl
and experimental work done since the
have grown cut of the theore
war et the Los Alamos Gelentific
i Laboratory.


Select target paragraph3