
preferred over other soil disposal options.

The replanting programs needed

for excavation and topping alternatives would require up to a decade before
all subsistence crops could be reestablished for use by the returning
islanders. Addition of soil fertilizers, conditioners, or off-atoll sources
of soil are preferred over dredging of lagoon sediments for a source of
replacement soil. Table 2 contains a summary and checklist of the enviromental effects associated with each of the alternatives and their components plus
a list of potential mitigation measures to reduce or avoid adverse effects.

At the present time (Oct 1984), Bikini Atoll is a part of the Trust

Territory of the Pacific Islands and probably falls within the jurisdiction of

many of the federal environmental laws and their associated regulations and

the presidential executive orders discussed below.
However, if the Compact of
Free Association is ratified by Congress in its present form before or during
the cleanup of the Atoll, at least some of the environmental statutes may no
longer apply to the new Republic of the Marshal] Islands. Furthermore, additional modification of the Compact, if any, prior to ratification may also
affect additional statutes. Thus, the brief evaluation below is offered for
information purposes only, and must be read in light of the above and any other

uncertainties pertaining to the situation.

It is not an official legal

If the cleanup is accomplished by a federal agency and/or is subject to

federal regulatory approval, the responsibility for preparation and
coordination of environmental documentation, probably an Environmental Impact

Statement (EIS), will rest with the lead federal agency.

Coordination is

accomplished during the active planning phase of the project. The EIS process
normally requires coordination with other agencies, public notices, public

meetings and hearings, supporting studies, and the preparation and revision of

documents subject to public review, and responses to public concerns and
comments, prior to approval of the final details of the cleanup. The EIS
process usually takes a year or more ta complete and the documents also contain
information on the status of compliance with all other applicable environmental
statutes. The lead agency then decides whether to go forward with the project
and which alternative and mitigation measures to implement in a written
document, the record of decision. The possibility also exists that the NEPA

documentation for the Bikini cleanup would be handled as a legislative EIS

(see 40 CFR 1506.8), and the “detailed statement" prepared in this manner might
involve slightly different procedures during EIS coordination.

Section 402 of the Act requires an EPA permit for the discharge of
pollutants into “waters of the United States," which is interpreted to include

al] lagoon waters and territorial waters up to the 3-mile limit as measured

from the territorial baseline which is interpreted to be the outer edge of the
atoll reef rim. Section 404 requires a Corps of Engineers permit for the
discharge of dredged or fill materials into the same water body. Soil removed


from istands may be categorized as fill material.

The processing of both .

types of permits normally involves an evaluation of .the environmental
consequences of the discharges and possibly the institution of conditions or
measures to reduce water quality and related ecological impacts.

Select target paragraph3