This document provides a preliminary environmental evaluation of various
proposed alternatives to rehabilitate soils at Bikini Atoll contaminated by

nuclear weapons testing in 1946-1958. All alternatives and components of
alternatives were evaluated by the Bikini Atoll Rehabilitation Committee, but

three approaches are pursued in greater detail: delay of resettlement;
chemical treatment of soil with potassium fertilizer; and excavation and
disposal of contaminated soil. Some alternatives are still under active
investigation. The main report discusses the technical feasibility, cost,
advantages, and disadvantages for each of the three major approaches. This
report will focus on the comparative environmental! evaluation of all
alternatives and incorporates the main report by reference. Table 1 lists the
set of alternatives considered in detail for each major approach. The
asterisks indicate those alternatives that the Committee will pursue in
greater detail.



No action to rehabilitate

no action (of any kind)

No excavation of soil

chemical treatment of soil*

soil (spontaneous decay
of unstable cesium)

delayed resettlement
resettlement with controlled diet
phased or partial resettlement

biological extraction
washing of soil

topping of existing soil with new soil

Excavation and disposal of soil

extension of Bikini Island*
disposal on Nam or another island

disposal in a lagoon crater*
open lagoon disposal
open ocean disposal
causeway construction
soil replacement options*

At this time (Oct 1984), the combination of alternatives that will

minimize environmental effects is initial early resettlement of Eneu Island
(which requires no major soil cleanup) with soil cleanup actions taken later.
The initial resettlement action could also lead to a more accurate estimate on

the total number of Bikinians willing to resettle on Bikini Atoll. If cleanup
of Bikini Island soil is required or desired at a later date, then the cleanup
option with the least adverse environmental effects would be any feasible

alternative not involving excavation and disposal af soil.

However, these may

be less desirable to the Bikinians or less effective and result in delays of
several decades or more to permit subsistence use of atoll crops.
excavation and disposal of Bikini Island soil is still required or desired,
then lagoon crater, Bikini Island expansion, or disposal on Nam island are



Select target paragraph3