Page 1, first "bullet":

The "bullet" would be more accurate if rephrased

as follows, "The Bikini people, who were moved off their atoll] in 1946,

have not yet returned because of residual radiation levels on the atoll.
Page 1, second "bullet":

The sentence as it stands does not foilow as a

of the nuclear testing program.
wno were moved off their atoll


Suggest the sentence read, "The Enewetal veorie,
in 1947 and remained away until 1920, continue to be

deorived of the use of some of the islands in the atoll, and must contend with
a temporary loss of croo productivity."
Page 1, third "buliet":

The last part of the sentence should reac,


. are

receiving medical care pursuant to statute for radiation related injuries.

incidental to this broader medical care is provided.

Fage 1, last paragraph, second line:

P.L. 96-205 spezks to "the veople of such

atclls," not "...for such peoole of the Marshalls.”

Page 2, paragraph 1:

“le beliove that the nosition that the venefits of

P.L. 96-205 should be extended to all of the peoples of the Marshall Islands
is wholly unsupportable.

Also, the last sentence of this paragraph would

be more accurate if "radiation exposure" replaced "fallout."

Select target paragraph3