2 We must empnasize our continued belief that proper administrative accountability procedures require that program responsibilities and fiscal responsibility should be combined within the same management structure. This would eliminate potential operational and budgetary confusion, delays and misunderstandings. If funding responsibilities are not combined into the administering agency, it should be clearly stated that the funding agency serves merely as a financial conduit for the administering agency. If, alternatively, oversight and accountability responsibility is intended to be exercised by the funding agency, such responsibilities also should clearly be stated. The Department of the Interior letter makes no reference to the raciclogics! "xrttoring and dose assessments, and the education/information program called for in the statute. We would propose that these activities also be terminated after a specified interval if appropriate. If radiological surveys and dose assessments are continued over a reasonable period of time following residence on an island or from the present time, whichever is longer, and the surveys and dose assessments are consistent with previous survey data and dose assessments, then continuation of the radiolocical surveys and dose assessments would not be justified. The following are specific comments on the draft letter from the Department of the Interior to the Speaker of the House: Pace 1, Paragraph 3: The number of nuclear weapons tests at Enewetak Atoll was 43; the number at Bikini Atoll was 23.