PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED As stated by , Major deviations from typical crew activities wer: (1) Exceat for times when his attacks of erythemia, urticaria, and pruritis were severe ari he was in the sick bay, he spent most of the time in the shade on the hangar deck (92 dec.) or in the vicinity of a 40mm gun mount on the fantail. From here he could look up and see the helicopters parked on the aft flight deck. (2) When recreation parties were permitted => zo ashore on Japtan Island, he, being a former lifeguard instructor for the Red Cross, would accompany the parties to serve as lifeguard. 1 estimates that he spent 85 nercent of his time either on the hangar deck or an island. RADIATION ENVIRONMENT From Reference 2, the integrated free-field intensity on the USS RENDOVA's weather decwxs (topside) for the first [8 days of November was calculated to be 65.7 MR; all of wn. resu.ted from secondary (late-time) fallout from Shots MIKE and KING. The aft za RENDOVA's flight deck, which had become contaminated on 1 November by radiologica... "hot" helicopters returning from early survey missions, was a restricted area and was roped off; hence, this area was not considered a radiation source which contributed to the typical crew exposure. Radiation environments on the residence islands of Enewetak Atoll were, in fe the absence of radiological survey data, estimated based on shipboard radiological d ra a obtained on ships anchored in close proximity to the islands. On Parry Island, the residence island closest to Japtan, the integrated intensity for the same period was estimated to :2 79.1 mR. It is assumed Japtan Island received comparable levels of radioactive fallout. states that he spent "a lot of time" on the RENDOVA's hangar deck ax fantail which were directly below the contaminated helicopters parked on the aft flight deck. A | November survey of the ship's interior revealed a maximum intensity >: 35 mR/hr, obtained on the hangar deck directly below the contaminated “eliccpte Fos3.72 | depicts the reconstructed radiation environment on the RENDOVA's aft flit anger decks resulting from the contaminated helicopters. The roll-up phase report fr the RENDOVA (Reference 3) states that the maximum intensity of helicopter #23 was +7 inR/he at H+ 1.1, and that of helicopter #26, 1 R/hr (1000 mR/hr) at H+ 4.5 hours. However, the RENDOVA's deck log states that the maximum intensities on helicopters #73 and #26 were 2.0 R/hr at H + 1.1 hours and 1.5 R/hr at H + 4.2 hours, respective.» (Reference 4). The intensities and times reported in the deck log are plotted in Figure | ancA are used in this analysis. Attempts to decontaminate helicopter #26 between H+ 4.2 3°: H +9 hours appear to have been somewhat successful as evidenced by the steepenec dec -. PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED