PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED (SUPERSEDES MEMORANDUM OF 14 MARCH 1986) MEMORANDUM 15 April 1936 TO: File FROM: C. Thomas SUBJECT: Calculated Radiation Dose for - Operations IVY and CASTLE PURPOSE The purpose of this memorandum is to assess the radiation exposure potential far during November 1952, while a participant at Operation IVY. Ath ous: did not directly oarticipate in Operation CASTLE, conducted at Bik.n. 2 Enewetak Atolls during the spring of 1954, he was stationed on Kwajalein during th.s te . series; hence, his potential for radiation exposure resulting from the CASTLE tests 5 aise addressed. OPERATION IVY During the month of November 1952, participated in the two atmospheric nuclear tests conducted at Enewetak Atoll in conjunction with Operation [V‘. During this time period, as a Yeoman 3rd Class (YN3) assigned to the Gunnery Department aboard the USS RENDOVA (CVE-[14). Table L. | Specific shot data are detailed in Table 1. Operation IVY Shot Data Shot ~ Date (Time) MIKE L Nov 52 (9715) KING 16 Nov 52 (1130) Yield 19.4 MT 500 KT Type Detonation Surface Air (1,489 ft) Source: Reference | Dose reconstructions for Navy units participating at Operation IVY have dee oerformed (Reference 2). activities while at Enewetak appear to deviate somewhat from the typical crew scenarios used in that analysis; therefore, the doje presented in Reference 2 for the crew of the USS RENDOVA is adjusted to account for "13 specific activities. ° PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED SATE —