course, based upon the coconut intake listed for the famine and normal
diets in Table 3.





can be determined by ratioing

the intakes and multiplying by the doses listed in Appendix F.
We listed this information only for. coconut because it is the only
terrestrial food product likely to be consumed from islands other than
the residence island.

The three islands or complexes evaluated in this

report as residence islands-~i.e., Enjebi (Janet), Aomon (Sally), Bijire
(Tilda), and the southern islands
Enewetak (Fred)

Japtan (David), Medren (Elmer) and

are the only land masses large enough to sustain a

residence of a significant population.

Therefore, the dose tables

‘presented in the text are based on the assumption that the rest of the
subsistence crops are derived from the identified residence island.
Appendix G contains the average island radionuclide concentration
for soil profiles collected on an island;
depths of 0-15 ecm, 0-25 cm,

0-40 cm,

the results are listed for

and 0-60 cm.

conjunction with the concentration ratios,

These data, in

are the basis for developing

the rationuclide concentrations in food products in the terrestrial food

In addition,

islands at

the date can be used to make relative comparisons of

the atoll.

~ 44 -




Select target paragraph3