of course impossible to include them all in a paper.

We have developed |

those that we feel are most reasonable and most probable.

However, we

have included in appendices the data necessary to develop the predicted
doses for other variations.

By proper use of the appendices one can

calculate the external gamma inhalation and dietary coconut contribution
for any period of time, for any island, and for any fraction of the diet
that one chooses.
Appendix B lists the annual gamma exposure in mrem per year and the

cummulative or integral dose in rem for 1 through 70 y for each island.
Therefore, once a time distribution on various islands has been

the external dose can be computed from the data given in

Appendix B.
Appendix E lists the doses to the lung and bone due to 239+240p,,

and 24lan as a result of inhalation when 100 percent of @ person's time
is spent on the listed island.

The doses are based upon the inhaletion

pethway model described in the text.

Once again, when a time distribu-

tion on various islands has been established, the corresponding lung and
bone doses for both dose rates and integral] doses, can be calculated from

the data given in Appendix E.
Appendix F lists the wholebody and bone marrow annual dose rates and
integral doses for normal

and famine conditions that result from the

entire coconut intake from the listed island after the

first 8 y;

first 8 y, the coconut intake is from the southern islands.

for the

The dietary

intake of coconut can be prorated among various islands in any fashion
desired and the resulting doses can be tabulated; the total dose
resulting from any scenario can then be determined.


The doses are, of

Select target paragraph3