The doses presented in this assessment are calculated assuming that for
northern living patterns the coconut, breadfruit and Pandanus fruit will
come from the southern islands for the first 8 years.

At the end of 8 years

these subsistence crops should be available from initial plantings made on

the residence island at the time of return.
The diet used to determine the daily intake of radionuclides is the most
direct data available on the current dietary habits of the Enewetak people
(see tables 17-24 and appendix 7).

The diet is of course very important in

predicting doses to a population because the dose will scale directly with
dietary intake.

We have mentioned in previous assessments the importance of

the diet and the uncertainty which was inherent in previously constructed
dietary patterns (1,7,21).

For the first time we have direct input from 4

significant number (144) of the Enewetak populetion as a function of age and
of dietary conditions.

The “normal condition" in this report refers to the

usual and expected living conditions in which the preferred imported foods

are available.

The "famine condition' "is the situation which occurs

ocassionally even today when imported foods are in short supply or absent
from the diet and there is nearly a total dependence upon locally grown
subsistence crops.


is still emphasized thet an accurate picture of the

especially as it reflects on the consumption of locally grow

options at

is extremely important in the dose predictions for resettlement
the atoll.

The transuranic doses from inhalation anc ingestion are based on an
extrapolation of the 2415/24] Am ratio observed on Enjebi (Janet) Island

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Select target paragraph3