

The dose rates for the southerm island living pattern are also

listed in Table 29.


The maximum annual dose rates predicted for this

living pattern are extremely low.


For normal conditions the maxinum

For continuous famine conditions the maximum annual dose rates

for bone marrow and wholebody are only 7.8 mrem and 5.9 mrem respectively.

Table 29 includes the variations to the major living patterns.


example, the maxinur annwal doses are listed for Enjebi (Janet) Island
when 15 percent of a persons time is spent on other northern islands
Mijikadrek (Kate) through Billae (Wilma) .and 10 percent of this dietary
intake of coconut comes from these islands; the other 90 percent of the
coconut intake and 85 percent of the time are of course on Enjebi


Under these conditions the bone marrow dose is reduced from a 250 mrem/y
to 230 mrem/y for normal conditions;

1s from 500 to 470 mreu.

for famine conditions the reduction

Similar reductions occur in the wholebod~

For Enjebi (Janet) Island living pattern, options

for the net effect of spending tice on other northeestern islands is to
reduce the dose from those predicted for-the Enjebi

(Janet) Island living

The reduction of the predicted Enjebi (Janet) Island doses is of
course more Grametic for a case where ail of the dictary coconut comes
from the southern islands

Jinedrol (Alvin) through Kidrenen (Keith)

In this case it is assumed that 15 percent of 42 persons time would also
be spent on the southern islands.

The doses for this option for normal

conditions are 73 mrem/y for wnolebody and 65 mrem/y for bone marrow; for
famine conditions the doses are 150 mrem/y and 110 mrem/y for bone marrow
and wholebody.

The data are listed in Table 2%.







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annual bone marrow dose rate is 3.7 mrem and the wholebody dose rate 1s

3.2 mrem.






Select target paragraph3