In Table 29 are listed the results for Enjebi (Janet) Island that

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Summarize the living pattern of major concern to some of the Enewetak

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In this living pattern al} food is assumed to come from Enjebi

(Janet) Island except during the first 8 y during which time the coconut
meat and fluid, breadfruit and Pandanus Fruit is assumed to come from the
southern islands.

For normal conditions the predicted maximum annual

dose rates are 250 mrem for bone marrow and 235 mrem to the wholebody.
If people were to live continually under famine conditions the predicted
maximum annuel dose rates: are 500 mrem and 455 mrem for bone marrow end
wholebody respectively.
On comparison of the doses predicted for the four quadrants of

Enjebi (Janet), three quadrants are less than the island average (Tabdie
29) and one,

the northwest quadrant, exceeds the island average.


doses for the northwest quadrant are 325 mrea/y for bone marrow and 3C5

mrem/y for wholebody for normal conditions; for famine conditions the
doses are 670 mrem/y for bone marrow and 610 mren/y for wholebod,.
‘The maximurc annual dose rates predicted for living patterns Aomon
(Sally) and Bijire (Tilda) (all foods from these islands except during

the first 8 y) are very similiar.

The results are listed in Table 29.

For normal conditions the doses predicted for Aomon (Sally) are 50 mren/y

to bone marrow and 45 mrem/y to wholebody and for Bijire (Tilda) the bene
marrow and wholebody doses are 46 mrem/y and 44 mrem/y respectively.


famine conditions the bone marrow and wholebody doses are 98 mrem/y and

86 mrem/y for Aomon (Sally) and 89 mrem/y and 82 mrem/y for Bijire





Select target paragraph3