
For the living patterns involving Aomon (Sally) and Bijire (Tilda),,."


use of coconuts from other northern islands and time spent on other

northem islands slightly increases the predicted doses over those

involving Aomon (Sally) and Bijire (Tilda) alone.
The predicted doses when 10 percent of the coconut dietary intake
for the southern island pattern is assumed to come from the northern
islands and 15 percent of a persons time is spent on northem islands are
increased above those predicted for southern islands only.

For the

are 8.3 mrem/y and 9.2 mrem/y


combined southern island-northern island living patterm the wholebocy
bone marrow doses

for normal conditions and

14 mrem/y and 17 mrem/y for fanine conditions.
In Table 29 ere also listed the predicted doses for a special case

where a child is: bom on Enjebi (Janet) Island at the time of the peoples
returm and is raised his entire life on thet island.

Thus, his entire

dietary intake will come from Enjebi

For normal


195 mrem/y.

the wholebody dose


(Jenet) Island.

160 mrea/v anc

the bone marrow dosé


For famine conditions the corresponding doses arc 350 urem,’y

and 405 mrem/y.

For comparison the adults doses for normal conditions

for Enjebi (Janet) Island (sce Table 29) are 235 mren/y for wholebocy enc
250 mrem/y for bone marrow.

The corresponding famine condition doses for

the adult are 455 mrea/y and 506 orem/y.

The results for tie child

scenario in whicn the child is born & y after the peoples return 1s the
final entry in. Table 29;

the doses for norma] conditions are 159 mren/y

for wholebody and 170 meren/y for bone marrow, both of which are lower

the other scenario.

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Select target paragraph3