
dosimeter values.


The effective enhancement used for normal conditions.’

is = 1.54 and for high activity conditions is 2.9.
In the scenario adopted to carry out the calculations we
assume that a person spends 5 h a day in high activity conditions and

19 h a day under normal conditions.

Finally a breathing rate of 20 m>

per day and the surface soil concentration (0-5 cm) for each island is
used to complete the calculation for Pu and Am intake via inhalation.
The Am concentrations in the surface soil were measured by high resolution ganma spectroscopy (Appendices A and B).

The Pu concentrations were

estimated by using the conversion ratio (239+240py/24lan) developed
in the soil sampling program and listed in Table 6.

Example calculations

are provided in Appendix E.
The dose code is run assuming a pulmonary deposition of 0.3.
This we feel is conservative from a dose assessment point of view at

this time because preliminary analysis of the particle size distribution
for both normal and high activity conditions at Bikini Atoll indicate
that the pulmonary deposition would be less

than 0.3

(Table 5).

The dose contribution from the inhalation pathway is a major
source of exposure to the transuranic radionuclides but is a minor

contribution to the total predicted doses over the next several decades.

Drinking Water
The drinking water pathway contributes a very small portion of
the total dose received via all pathways. 71849

However, we have

included an evaluation of this pathway to demonstrate its relative
contribution and to complete the assessment of all] major pathways.



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Select target paragraph3