have defined an enhancement factor (EF) as the 239+240p, concentration
in the collected aerosol mass divided by the 239+240p,, surface soil

(0-5 em) concentration.
The EF obtained from standard Hi Vols for normal conditions

is less than 1; the EF for the worst case, high activity conditions is

Table 5 gives a summary of the observed EF at Bikini and Enewetak


The EF of less than 1

(EF<1) for Hi Vol data for the nornal

open air conditions is apparently the result of selective particle
resuspension in which the resuspended particles have a different
‘plutonium concentration than is observed in the total 0-5 em soil

sample; in other words the particle size and density and the
corresponding radionuclide concentration is different for the normally
resuspended material than for the total 0-5 cm soil sample.


approximately 10 percent of the mass observed on the filter is

organic which we know has a much lower Pu concentration then the soil.
Similarly the enhancement factor of 3.1 for high activity conditions
results from the increased resuspension of particle sizes with higher
plutonium concentration than observed in the total O-5 cm soil sampic.

We have developed additional enhancement factors (PDE) from
personal dosimeter data.

These data are normalized to the Hi Vol


for a particular condition and represent that enhancement that occurs
around an individual due to his daily activities (different from the
open air measurement made with the Hi Vols).
summarized in Table 5.

These data are also

The total enhancement used to estimate the

amount of respired Pu is the combination the Hi Vol and personal



Select target paragraph3