devices to determine particle size distribution and radioactivity, and
micrometeorological techniques to determine aerosol fluxes.
simultaneous experiments were conducted:


(1) a characterization of the

normal (background) suspended aerosols and the contributions from sea

spray off the windward beach leeward across the island, (2) a study of
resuspension of radionuclides from a field purposely laid bare by bulldozers as a worst-case candition, (3) a study of resuspension of radioactive particles by vehicular and foot traffic, and (4) a study of
personal inhalation exposure using small dosimeters carried by volunteers

during their daily routines.

Less complete studies similar to (1) and

(2) had been performed previously on Enjebi (Janet) and background
studies similar to (1) were performed later on Eneu.
The “normal or background" mass loading measured by
gravimetric methods for both atolls is approximately 55 we/m3,


Bikini experiments show that 34,¢/m? of this total is due to sea-salt
which is present across the entire island as a result of ocean, reef,
and wind actions.

The mass loading due to terrestrial origins is

therefore about 2lie/m>.

The highest

terrestria! mass loading

observed was 136.2/n immediately after bulldozing.
Concentrations o £

23942405, have been determined


collected aerosols for normal ground cover and conditions, i.e. ‘normal
conditions'', in coconut groves, for arezs being cleared by bulldozers
and being tilled, i.e. "high activity conditions," and for stabilized
bare soil,


the cleared areas after a few days weathering.


plutonium concentration in the collected aerosols changes relative


the plutonium surface soil concentration for the various situations.

es TREE,


Select target paragraph3