The radionuclide concentration data used to evaluate the drinking

water pathway are listed in Tables 7, 8 and 9.

The preferred and most

often used water is cistern water; however, well water is used when

dought conditions exist.

In addition to drinking water the Marshallese

drink considerable quantities of coffee and "Kool~Aid (Malalo}" for
which they again primarily use the cisterm water.

The total fluid

intake involving the use of cistern water and well water was determined
to be approximately one liter per day in the Ujelang Diet Survey

(Appendix C).



Soil Radionuclide Concentrations.

The soil sampling program was

begun in February of 1979 at Enewetak Atoll.

This progrem was conducted

by the Department of Energy (DOE) Nevada Operations Office (NVOO) with
technical direction from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL).

A 50

meter grid was established on each of the islands Bokoluo (Alice)
through Billae (Wilma), i.e.,

east side of the atoll.

the northwest through the northeast and

Soil profile samples were collected at each

50 m grid point.
All sOll profile samples were collected over the following

0-5 cm, 5-10 em,

10-15 cm,

15-25 cm,

25-40 cm, and 40-60

We have found that 40 cm depth encompasses most of the active root

zone of the subsistence crops which we have observed in the northern
Marshall Islands.

A trench was dug at each 50 m grid point with a

backhoe and samples were collected down the sidewall of the trench.

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