Although a knowledge of the depth distribution may be critical

oy is

if the”

when using in situ measurement techniques to determine concentration
values, this is not the case if these techniques are used to determine
external exposure for rate values.

The exposure rate conversion factors

(last column, Table 1) are relatively insensitive to rather large variations or uncertainties in the depth distribution.

Comparisons made be-

tween exposure rate values determined using in situ techniques with those
obtained with a pressurized ionization chamber are in general quite good

(see, for example, Beels, et al. (4) Table 21).
The conversion factor used for 13’cs was 3.6

R/h per cps.

Concentration values may be obtained from the exposure rate values by
multiplying the appropriate ratio of the conversion factors given in
Table 1.

For 60¢5, a conversion factor of 20.5

used with the 1173 keV peak or 22.3

In principle,

R/h per cps with the 1333 keV

either of these peaks could be used to determine

the total exposure rate resulting from
same result.

R/h per cps can be

In practice, however,

different in the two results.

0c; both should lead to the

some measurements were slightly

In these cases the average valuc was used.

The minimum detectable activity (MDA) for the in situ results was
set at the 30 level where sigma equals the square root of the sum of the
net photopeak counts plus twice the background counts.

Because the MDA

is a function of the background under a given photopeak, which varies
from location to location, there is no unique number for the MDA for any

given isotope.

The actual value for a specific isotope varies slightly

from location to location, and the values of 0.5 pCi/g for 241 an, 0.2
R/h for 137¢5,

and 0.5

R/h for 60co used in the present report

represent the worst-case situation as actually encountered at Enewetak.


GU 01 1638




Select target paragraph3