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In Appendix A there is a draft report by EG G on the calibra-

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tion and measurement methodology for in situ determination of 241 am at
Enewetak Atoll.

This draft report will be expanded to include 137¢,

and 60¢5, although the methodologies are very similar.

With the exceptions of Bokinwotme (Edna), Taiwel (Percy), and
Lujor (Pearl), IMP measurements of 13’¢s, 69¢9, and 24lam were

reported by the Desert Research Institute (DRI) for the islands Bokolu
(Alice) through Billae (Wilma).

IMP measurements of Bokinwotme (Edna)

and Taiwel (Percy) are not currently planned and those on Lujor (Pearl)
are not complete.

In Tables 2 and 3,

rates are sumaerized in

Average surface soil concentrations,
in Table 4.

the average external exposure

R per h for 1376, and 0c,
in pCi/g,


for 241 a are summarized

Two types of mean results are presentec in each table--those

computed with the actual measurement results

and those computed by substituting the appropriate MDA value for all
measurement results less than the MDA.
were less than the appropriate MDA,

Where no measurement results

the latter type of mean is not

MDA values used in the mean calculations were provided to DRI

by EG&G and are single valued over the entire atoll.

Results for

Bokaidrikdrik (Helen) appear as the Boken (Irene) sand spit entries,
because the sand Spit is all of Bokaidrikdrik (Helen) that remains.

Mean results for the quadrants of Enjebi (Janet) reflect the following
allocations of the baseline data:

north baseline to the northeast

quadrant, east baseline to the southeast quadrant, south baseline and
benchmark (point 0,0)

to the southwest quadrant,



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and west baseline to the

Select target paragraph3