Once the conversion factor relating the net photopeak counts,

to the activity per unit volume at the surface, sy is obtained for a

source distribution, Eqs. 5 and 6 can be used to arrive at the corre-

sponding conversion factor for the total activity per unit area S,, A? and
for the average activity per unit volume in the top Z centimeters, sé,
By dividing the 54 by the soil density, in ¢ per cm’, the results can be
expressed in units of activity per unit mass.

] shows

the conversion


for 137¢¢ obtained

Enewetak system for several different depth distributions.



Also shown

in the last column are the corresponding conversion factors for total
external exposure rate, in

R/h, at the 1 meter level.

These results

were obtained directly from the total activity per unit area conversion
factors using data given by Beck, et al.394
Various assumptions must be made to derive these conversion


The most Significant assumption is made for the depth
In general, it is very desirable to perform field meas-

urements to establish the source distribution with depth, and thus, also
allow for a direct measurement of the soil density.

In @ situation

where the depth distribution varies significantly from point to point
within 2 given area, as on many islands at Enewetak,
obtain, or assume,

an.average depth distribution.

islands at Enewetak,

it is necessary to

For the northern

previous data (1) indicate that the average depth

. distribution for !3’cs has a relaxation length on the order of 10 to
15 cm.

In using the data given in Table 1, a reasonable first approach

would be to take the average of the values given for a 10 cm and for a

15 cm relaxation length.

More precise data can be obtained for any

Ziven area if the depth distribution is better known.
- 8-

ME So bed

Select target paragraph3