"(3) an education and information program to
enable the people of such atolls to more fully
understand nuclear radiation and its effects;
“(b) (1) The Secretary shall submit the plan to the Congress
no later than January 1, 1981, together with his recommendations, if any, for further legislation. The plan shall set
forth the specific agencies responsible for implementing
the various elements of the plan. With respect to general
health care the Secretary shall consider, and shall include

in his recommendations, the feasibility of using the Public

Health Service.

After consultation with the Chairman of

the National Academy of Sciences, the Secretary of Energy,
the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Health,

Education, and Welfare, the Secretary shall establish a

scientific aévisory committee to review and evaluate the

implementation of the plan and to make such recommendations
for its improvement as such committee deems advisable.

“(2) At the request of the Secretary, any Federal agency

shall provide such information, personnel, facilities,
logistical support, or other assistance as the Secretary
deems necessary to carry out the functions of this
program; the costs of all such assistance shall be
reimbursed to the provider thereof out of the sums
appropriated pursuant to this section.
"(3) All costs associated with the 6évelopment and
implementation of the plan shall be assumed by the

Secretary of Energy ané effective October 1, 1980, there

are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary
of Energy such sums as may be necessary to achieve
the purpose of this section.

*(c) The Secretary shall reportto the appropriate
committees of the Congress, and to the people of the

affected atolis annually, or more frequently if necessary,
on the implementation of the plan. Each such report

shall include a description of the health status of the
individuals examined and treated under the plan, an

evaluation by the scientific advisory committee, and

any recommendations for improvement of the plan. The
first such report shall be submitted not later than

January 1, 1962.".


What the statute requires.

free of ambiguity.

Section 102, quoted above, is not

It has been argued by some that the plan required of

the Secretary of the Interior, and the program resulting from it, should

be restricted solely to the four named atolls, and then only to injuries,
dllnesses, or conditions resulting from the nuclear testing program. It

has been arqued by others that the plan, and the resulting program,

should apply to all atolls and islands of the Marshall Islands, and

should provide comprehensive medical care to all people of the Marshall

Select target paragraph3