
The Interior Department has not reached any definitive position with

respect to the scope of the plan required, or of the program to arise
from it.

It would welcome the early expressions of views from any

source as to the requirements of the statute. Preliminarily, the Interior
Department suggests that the most reasonable reading of the statute appears
to be that the Secretary's plan should provide for comprehensive health

care for the inhabitants of the four listed atolls -- Bikini, Enewetak,
Rongelap, and Utirik; and that the inhabitants of additional atolls

should also be afforded comprehensive health care if they have been affected

by radiation from the nuclear weapons testing program. In deciding
whether the inhabitants of additional atolls have been so affected,
the Secretary would consider information obtained from on-site health
evaluations of the people of those atolls, and other relevant evidence
presented to him.

3. The Interior Department has asked the Department of Energy to
provide advice to Interior by mid-November 1980 as to the details of
the schedule required by subsection (a)(2), pertaining to environmental

research and monotoring, radiation dose assessments, and risk estimates,

and the education and information program required by subsection (a)(3).
The Department of Energy has agreed to provide this detailed advice by
that date.

Background information:

Rongelap and Utirik

The medical monitoring and follow-up care program of the exposed people
of Rongelap and Utirik atolls commenced after the Bravo Shot Fallout of
March 1, 1954. This program has been the responsibility of the Atomic
Energy Commission, the Energy Research and Development Administration,
and now the Department of Energy. The medical monitoring and follow-up
medical care program of the exposed residents of these two stolls, and

for members of selected “comparison” groups, has from the onset of the

program been contracted to the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Associated

Universities, Upton, New York.

Select target paragraph3