Article IV - Deliverables


Letter Progess Reports

The contractor shsll prepare and submit two letter progress reports not to
exceed five pages in length. Each of these reports shall:

Identify project status, including an estimation of percentage

2. Report expenditures in period of report and cuputetively and
explain deviations from estimsted expenditure levels; and
3. Summarize work performed; accouplistments; and problems
encountered during period of report; plans for succeeding period; and

actions requested for the Department of the Interior.

These reports shall be submitted six (6) copies, five to the Contrecting
Officer's Technical Representative (COIR) and one to the Branch of Contracts.


Not later than the

4th week and the 5th week of the contract.

Detailed Work Plan

After gathering and assimilating relevant available information on the
subject of this work effort, the contractor shall prepare a detailed sentence
outline of the final report. This shall be submitted to the Departeentof

the Interior for review and comment in eix (6) copies es indicated in A

The COTR will reply by approving or recommending wodifications to

the outline within two (2) weeks of its receipt.

If necessary the COTR ary

request a meeting with key contractor personnel during the two-week period
to discuss the propesed detailed outline.


Three weeks after contract avard.

Select target paragraph3