
Any program of health care for the people affected by radiation should
be integrated, to the maximum extent possible, with a future health care
program of the Government of the Marshall Islands. The contractor,

accordingly, will be required to examine current facilities and proposed
hospital and dispensary facilities and staff to determine how such local
staff and facilities can be utilized to provide comprehensive health
care for the peoples of the affected atolls.

(5) Primary care. Because many of the peoples concerned
will be living in an “out-island" context, the contractor should set
forth reconmendations on how “primary care“ can best be provided to the
people in such a context. This should include recommendations on the
type of staff, facilities, training of practitioners, etc. It will be
necessary to determine whether present out-island facilities and programs
maintained by the Government of the Marshalls Islands can be upgraded
and subsidized to provide this essential primary care for the peoples
concerned, or whether a separate primary health care system, supported
and operated by the U.S, will be required?
(6) Secondary and Tertiary care. The contractor will be
required to set forth recommendations on where and in what manner secondary
and tertiary care can be most effectively provided, both from treatment
and cost standpoints.

(7) Cost of Provision of Comprehensive Health Care for
all of the Marshalls. The peoples of the designated affected atolls will
require both “on-atoll” and "off-atoll” comprehensive care. Many of
the individuals requiring the comprehensive care will be in the present
major populated centers. The numbers away from the home atolls may well |
run into several thousand. The contractor will be requested to draw up
cost estimates of a comprehensive health care program for all of the
Marshalls that would give the type of comprehensive care required for
the peoples of the affected atolls.

Select target paragraph3