

must be removed before the Bikini people can be perminently resettled on
the atoll.

Housing and community facilities are non-existent and need to

be provided.
This paper presents a redevelopment and resettlement program for Bikini

in compliance with the President's statement that "It is our goal to assist
the people of Bikini to build on these once desolated islands a new and

model community."
On August 12 the President requested the Secretary of Defense, the
Chairman of the Atomic Imergy Commission, and the Director of the Bureau
| of the Budget to cooperate and assist in effectuating a resettlement

Bikini atoll is within the administrative jurisdiction of the

Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and the Department of the Interior.
The Atomic Energy Commission has an interest because the Coumission, under
the Atomic Knergy Act of 1954 and its anendments, is given certain responsibilities to protect

health and minimize danger to life or property from

hazards that may be associated with activities in which AEC has a role.
The Department of Defense is another interested agency since the research
and development work in the military application of atomic energy at
Bikini atoll was jointly conducted by the Defense Department and AEC under
direction of the highest levels of the United States Government.


' Bikini atoll was under military jurisdiction prior to the Presidential

announcement, and the return of the islands followed Defense Department
determination that Bikini atoll was no longer required for defense purposes.



Select target paragraph3