“The Atomic Energy Commission, the Department of Defense and the
Department of the Interior are cooperating in the resettlement effort.
Tne AEC and the Defense Department jointly have assumed United States
responsibility for clearing the habitable islands of Bikini and Fnyu
of unusable structures and debris, which must be done before redevelopment
can proceed,

Other islands of the atoll which are neither safe for continuous

human occupation#lar which are no longer productive in an agricultural context
will be cleared of all dangerous debris.
To determine the problems and develop estimates of redevelopment costs
the Atomic Energy Commission, the Department of Defense, the Department of
the Interior and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Tslands conducted an one
site survey of Bikini in late August.

Until conditions on the islands had

been inspected no reliable redevelopment cost estimates could be projected.
Following the August-September survey trip the Atomic Energy Commission
prepared estimates of the cost of clearing the islands of debris and scrub
vegetation and the Trust Territory developed estimates for replanting,
redevelopment resettlement.

Cleanup costs are estimated to be approx-

imately $1,200,000 and it is further estimated that the cleanup job could
be completed within a six-month period after funds are made available.
Detailed estimates are attached.

Redevelopment costs are currently estimated

to total about $2,881,800 over a five-year period.

An additional sum is

required to provide improvements to the island of Kili and t Uselang atoll
where the former Eniwetok people were moved.\

The bulk of the redevelopment

expense is encountered in the first year of new construction.


program planning purposes the costs have been allocated to eight major






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Select target paragraph3