

Because of growing population pressures and a shortage of productively

{nhabitable land areas in the Marshalls, it is the policy of the United
States to return to civilian uses any areas which are excess to its needs.
The total land area of the Marshall Islands is approximately

70 square miles,

With a 1967 population of approximately 19,000 the square mile ratio is 270.
Kili has a land area of 0.36 square miles.

On the other hand, Bikini atoll

has a land area slightly in excess of two square miles.
about 229 square miles.

Its lagoon area is

Bikini atoll is greatly changed as a consequence of the tests which

were conducted there in the late 1940's and the 1950's.

Some islands have

disappeared or the remnants are mere sand spits; still others have been
diminished in size as a result of blast effects and/or wave action; and
loss of topsoil for the islands of the atoll varies from zero to almost


While it has been determined that the island complex from Bikini

to Enyu is safe for continuous habitation, radiation levels in the other
parts of the atoll precludes continuous use.

These other islands and island

complexes may be visited for purposes of food collection (virds, turtles,

their eggs, etc.), but present conditions on these islands preclude substantial
agricultural development at this time.
Bikini and Enyu are overgrown with a jungle-like stand of scrub vegetation
which will sustain neither subsistence nor commerce,

This vegetation must

be cleared and the two islands replanted to coconuts and other food crops.
Additionally, most of the islands are littered with the remains of the

testing programs.

These remains, some of which are dangerous because of

deterioration alone, some because of residual radioactivity, and others
because they would interfere with or preclude agricultural redevelopment

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