
based upon an averare of 6 persons for each family.

They also include a

feeding subsidy of $3.00 a day per family for its first year on Bikini,
dropping to $2.00 a day per family for the second and subsequent years.
The employment of Bikinians in the clearing and redevelopment work will

diminish the need for direct feeding subsidies pending the maturation of

commercial and food crops.

However, one of the important reasons for 4

feeding subsidy is to insure both an adequate and properly balanced diet
for the Bikini residents in order to minimize uptake of radionuclides as
has been recommended by AEC.

Employment is a basic assumption in the plans

for Bikini and the cost estimates include wages at the prevailing scale.
The goal is to provide an attractive, healthful, liveable community
fully and adequately meeting the needs of the people of the atoll; one
which can serve as a model for community development in other Pacific
The Trust Territory Government, working with the Bikini people is
now completing planning and prototype housing designs and preparing plans
for other facilities in fiscal year 1969.

This can be accomplished by the

Trust Territory with funds currently available.

It is also planning to

establish a small administrative unit on Bikini in fiscal year 1969 to
protect existing assets and facilities and to place the atoll under
adequate police and administrative control.

This can be accomplished by the

Trust Territory with funds currently available.
Tne overall resettlement plan is phased over a six-year period beginning
in fiscal year 1970 when clearing of the atoll of test related debris will
have been completed.

The planting program for coconuts and other crops

is expected to require two years, ‘fiscal years 1970 and 1971.

‘The major

element will be the planting of approximately 100,000 coconuts in cleared



Select target paragraph3