

The island of Bikini was the population center of the pre-test community
and the Bikinians have indicated they want their new village center located

adjacent to the cemetery, its former location.

This will consist of @

dispensary, school, meeting house, church, administrative facilities and some
warehousing and equipment shelter.

It is planned to construct at the outset

facilities (except for the school) which will be adequate for the total
anticipated population of Bikini.

An addition to the school is planned

for 1973.
The Bikinians wish to live on their individual "wetos" (land parcels)
rather than in a village complex.

This decision on their part will

preclude a central water supply and sewerage system although the relative
dispersal will have other health benefits.

The Bikinians have been living

in a village situation since 1946 and appear to prefer the traditional
Marshallese style of living on the land.

Plans call for the construction

of 30 housing units the first year and six additional units per year for
the next five years,

Each unit will consist of the dwelling itself, cistern,

bath house, toilet, cook house, etc.


The village center and housing unit

construction on Bikini island will involve covering these sites with
coral rock as recommended by the AEC.

these facilities.

Costs estimates per unit include

The Bikini people have stated a preference for permanent--


Housing designs are being prepared to meet these

requirements within the $6,000 cost estimates.
Resettlement costs anticipate the relocation of 30 families as soon

as housing is available with additional families being phased into the
new commmity as additional housing and plantings permit.

Estimates are

Select target paragraph3