

The recommended approach is to replant the island; limit the number of
resettled families in the first increment to those who can be employed in

construction, planting and orchard maintenance.

Other families will be

phased in in subsequent years,

The main islands of Bikini and nyu, which are those designated by
the Atomic Energy Commission consultants as being suitable for return and

redevelopment, shall be cleared of test activity debris and cleared of
scrub vegetation so as to permit the replanting of the coconut groves and

other food crops. Planting of pandanus trees on Bikini will be accomplished
according to the AEC recommendation for removal of two inchea of topsoil
from each site over an area covered by the crown of mature trees,

radiological precautions will be needed on Enyu.


The 4,500 foot airstrip

on Enyu will be rehabilitated and the few salvageable buildings will be
used in the cleanup and early redevelopment work.

Clearing of vegetation

will be done in strips so as to permit the planting of seedlings with
intervening strips of existing vegetation left to control erosion.


the seedlings develop the erosion control strips will gradually be cleared.

Replanting, estimated to require 100,000 nuts, should follow on the heels
of debris and vegetation clearing on Bikini and Ryu.
Clearing of other islands of test related debris should follow the
cleanup of Bikini and Inyu.

The other islands of the atoll will not be

cultivated or used for residences for the foreseeable future.


will consist of removal of test related debris, particularly radio-active

It is planned to leave the massive bunkers which are located on

several of these islands,

The Bikini and Enyu bunkers will also be left to






ee ee:

provide storm shelter or other community use.



Select target paragraph3